Trade associations exist to serve their members and so managing that relationship is crucial to success.
We’ve found that with trade associations underlying requirements, policies and procedures are very similar. What is obviously different is the industry and the individuals involved. We have proven that we can quickly become knowledgeable in different sectors and foster good relationships with members.
Our expertise…
- Recruitment
- Member support
- Member management
- Subscription renewal
- Membership metrics and monitoring
- Surveys
- Database (CRM) management
- Member benefits
- Guidance notes/technical bulletins
- Managing member transgressions and removal
- Communications
You can rely on our experience…
Keeping members compliant with regulations is a key responsibility of a trade association. We have researched and produced a 100+ page compliance pack for one of our trade association clients.
Using flow charts and pro formas allows members to quickly find and implement what they need in their business. All documents were peer reviewed and where necessary checked by Solicitors or other external experts.